Life is not always easy! We go through disappointments. We live with unmet expectations. We have memories of hurtful experiences and even abuse. We often relate with Job who said, “Man…is…
I love the Scriptures! After 23 years as a Christian, 11 of those as a pastor, I have grown more in love with the Bible each and every day. However, though…
In the 8 weeks we have been studying The Villains of the Bible, I have come to the conclusion that the Pharisees were possibly the greatest villains in all of the…
A leader must be emotionally secure. I’m not a big “sports guy” but I’ve been watching Alabama football all season with my wife Heather (@HeatherTeis) all season. Roll Tide! Though I…
Based on my last few blog posts (the attrition rate of Facebook friends & Twitter @joshteis (followers), I have decided to write a completely noncontroversial post. Just try and disagree, I…
A few weeks ago someone pointed me to a blog that is built upon the premise of tearing down fellow Christians. The entire website seemed dedicated to the proposition of disparaging…
The first five books of the Bible (Pentateuch, The Law, The Torah) were written anonymously. Unlike many of the books of the Bible, these five do not claim to have an…
Being on a church staff can be one of the most exciting things or one of the most frustrating things in the world. Although there are many factors that go into…