Featured Leadership

3 Reasons to Love Idea Day

Idea Day is a day to share ideas and last Tuesday we held our 4th official Idea Day!  We’ve held two in Las Vegas, one in Connecticut, and now one in Cincinnati!  And this Fall we will finally hold one in the deep South.

I just love these events.  Let me tell you why…

1. The Ideas

Idea Day is not about prayer, power, preaching, or personal holiness.  We acknowledge that these are the things which are fundamental in life and ministry.  There are conferences across the nation that do a far better job at teaching these essential qualities than we ever could.  If you are struggling in your personal walk with God then implore you to attend a more suitable pastor’s conference.  At Idea Day we assume that you are already walking with the Lord, preaching the Bible, and living a godly life.  We assume that you are just looking for a few fresh ideas.  Here we can help.

It’s pretty simple.  I view myself as a servant of the great King Jesus.  He has sent me into the field and I am to reap a harvest for him.  While working I’ve noticed there are other servants around me who have different tools, methods, and ideas that I could use in my corner of the field.  I’ve seen these ideas, coopted these ideas, and implemented these ideas.  This has allowed me to bring in a larger harvest for my Lord.  You’ve done the same thing.  Wouldn’t it be cool to sit down and discuss the best of our ideas with one another?

I’ll never forget the idea I got from Jonathan Blankenship in our 1st official Idea Day.  It wasn’t earth shattering but it was life changing for me.  He was discussing the importance of mentoring men and leading them as Christ led his disciples.  He stated that he will schedule 2-3 coffee appointments each week with men simply to pastor them, hear from them, and ask for what he could be praying.  I jotted that simple idea down on my notepad and returned to my office with a new plan.  That simple idea has helped me retain men and grow leaders like never before.  And that is just one idea we’ve implemented at Southern Hills from an Idea Day.

2. The Atmosphere

I love the atmosphere.  Casual is the best way to describe it.  I’m not speaking of only the dress (though it’s not uncommon to see a pastor in jeans and a t-shirt).  I’m talking about the complete and total lack of tension.  At Idea Day we like to say, “No Agendas, Just Ideas.”  There’s no one to impress at these events – because it’s just us.  The men who attend these events are simply other guys trying to serve Jesus.  Men of all ages, sitting in a circle, sharing ideas.

This is all about brainstorming.  Therefore, any idea can be shared without the fear of being called stupid, immature, old-fashioned, compromiser, fundy, or hipster.  There is no threat because they are simply ideas.  Bad ideas are shared at every Idea Day.  This is all part of the brainstorming process.  You have to get through a bunch of bad or non-applicable ideas to find the one good idea for which you’ve been looking.  So, feel free to share an idea, even one you’ve not yet tried, because someone else in the room may have and they may be able to give insight into that idea.

3. The Friends

There’s nothing more encouraging than sitting down with a fellow minister who is celebrating your success rather than questioning your direction.  I don’t know about you but the Devil always seems to be tearing me down.  That’s why people love Idea Day so much.  We get together and build each other up.  No negativity.  We are just guys who are for you.  Guys with ideas.  Guys who need ideas.

Planting a new church?  Why not ask the church planter (who’s six months in) sitting next to you about his best idea?  Thinking about small groups?  Talk to the guy who added small groups last fall about his experience.  Attempting to transition a dying church into a thriving church?  Here you will find guys who know what to do next.  Attempting to break the 120-attendance barrier?  There are 6 guys around you who just did it last year.  Get ideas here!

If you’ve been to an Idea Day you know exactly what I’m talking about.  If you are one of the over 150 who joined us at #IdeaDayMidwest thanks for coming.  If you haven’t yet been, you’re going to love it.  Join us on November 15th in Sommerville, Alabama with host pastor Shane Lewis.  I think you’re going to have a great time!  See you at #IdeaDaySouth.

Did you come to IdeaDay Midwest or one of our previous events?  What did you think?  How was is different from what you expected?  What idea did you receive that you will be implementing?  

Are you joining us for IdeaDaySouth?  Where are you coming from?  What do you want out of the day more than anything else?

I want to know where you are coming from in the comment section below:

(This post may be an encouragement to one of your friends.  Please SHARE, Retweet, or Pin. Thanks)

You can register for an upcoming Idea Day Event here: www.ideaday.cc

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  • Reply
    Mark Evans
    May 24, 2016 at 12:17 am

    Sounds nice, really nice, I would love to be involved. I am not a Pastor, but I am a preaching teacher. I have been accused of being a visionary, thats right, accused (in a negative context, because visionaries are unrealistic). Have any suggestions?

  • Reply
    Mark Evans
    May 24, 2016 at 3:50 pm

    I have a suggestion. There is probably no chance that I could attend one of these gatherings. How about compiling all of the ideas and publishing a book for those who cannot attend. Sell the book, with the profits enlarge the movement. The book can increase exposure, and who knows the possibilities, only God.

    • Reply
      Josh Teis
      May 28, 2016 at 6:08 pm

      That’s a very interesting idea. Thanks Mark

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