Christian Living Featured

Run Your Race

Olympians are amazing! They are like chocolate, superhero movies, and fast cars. It’s difficult not to be impressed by them.

Could you imagine if the U.S. Olympic team traveled to Sochi or Rio de Janeiro and suddenly several of the athletes insisted they be allowed to participate in other events. The speed skater wants to be on the bobsled team. The sprinter wants become a diver. The curling team wants to do anything but stay on the curling team. This would cause chaos. Why? Because they were never trained to perform at that level in any other sport. Imagine if the marathoner suddenly desired to run the 60 meter. Someone would have to break to him.

Why is it that humans are never content with the path God has them on? Why do we constantly chafe at our designated race and envy those who are called to do something else?

The Apostle Paul told the Scattered Hebrew Christians in Hebrews 12:1 Let us run with patience the race that is set before us.

There is a specific race that God has set in front of each person. Why is it that we resist God’s evident path?

We Believe The Grass is Greener
It’s so easy to look at the life of another and secretly envy. A man might think, “If I had that car then I’d be truly happy.” A woman might think, “If I had that figure I know I’d be satisfied.” The professional envies the man who is able to spend his day outside working with his hands and the construction worker envies the man who is able to sit in a comfortable chair all day. A pastor will envy the ministry of another. Instead of being satisfied with the race God has given us we look around, lose focus on our assignment, and become discontented in the process.

We Are Not Clear on God’s Leading
Another reason we resist the evident path is because, for some, their path doesn’t seem evident. They are unsure they are exactly where God desires them to be. Constantly plagued by self doubt and second guessing, these dear Christians are continually looking for a new and better race. Instead of waiting for an open door from the Lord they force open a window. Instead of being faithful in the task at hand they become impatient, apathetic, and discouraged.

Let me help you with this. Are you walking with the Lord? Are you daily in the Word, spending time in prayer, loving your family, attending worship, and serving faithfully where you can? Then you are precisely where God wants you to be. Run your race… with patience (Hebrews 12:1-2). When you stand before Christ, He will reward you for your faithfulness to your race (I Peter 5:4).

We Get Bored Easily
God has you where He has you for a reason. Sadly, we get bored easily and begin looking around to those racing beside us. We mistakenly believe that their race is somehow more exciting, fulfilling, and all together better than ours. I believe this ailment touches all men and women of passion. I’m ashamed to say that I often find myself envious of pastors who have seen faster church growth, preachers who are able to speak to larger audiences, and churches that are able to build bigger buildings. This envy can easily lead to discouragement and depression if I don’t stop it and get control by realizing that I am right where God wants me to be. This is my race! It has been uniquely designed for me. Success is not comparing myself to those in other events. Success is not even comparing myself to those who are racing in the same vent right beside me. Success is simply running the race with patience that God has set before me.

Do you ever feel the way I do? Have you ever found yourself discontented with your race and becoming envious of those around you? Please share your stories and comments below:

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Tracy Bradford
    April 25, 2014 at 10:17 pm

    Looking both back and ahead – it appears God’s short-range assignments can change over time, but the core thrust (Love and Teach) remains constant. That is: If God’s got you on His Faithful Helper List, you will get those kinds of things to do. If He has you on the Build and Bless list, expect that type of assignment. (Not surprisingly, it appears one can be on more than one list.) The Loving Parent List experiences change after challenge after change but never ends. And so forth.
    I’m daily discovering anew what God wants me to do when I grow up.

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