I’m kind of a collaborative individual. It’s just the way I like to work. I love to get in a room and discuss plans, strategy and implantation with smart people. Our pastoral team (Jason, Fred, Steve & Myself) succeeds when we are able to share ideas, dissect those ideas, challenge those ideas and then detail the implementation of those ideas. From our passion for creativity and new ideas sprang the event we are calling… The Idea Day.
I’m a young pastor and need fresh ideas.
On Tuesday, January 21 we will be hosting our first annual Idea Day.
It’s a day to share ideas.
If you are a young pastor or church planter and could use some fellowship and fresh ideas, then consider coming out for the day.
I’ve already invited about 10-12 guys who have told me they are coming. This allows for another 15 guys who would be able to come out and join this round-table discussion in order to share the best ideas that they have seen work in church over the past 12 months. Again, the primary purpose of the day is to gain and share ideas with likeminded ministers, the second purpose is to have a bit of fellowship.
What makes this day unique is our format. The format will not be like a typical conference. There will be no speakers or sessions. There will be 7 Idea Presentations that will last only 15 minutes. They will be presented from 7 different ministry leaders from 7 different churches. The following 40 minutes will be for dedicated to questions, clarifications, discussion & creative brainstorming on that topic.
We will be avoiding philosophical and controversial topics and focusing in on specific areas of practical ministry. Topics such as church growth, assimilation, small groups, evangelism methods, church management systems, building givers, recruiting volunteers, hiring staff, etc.
I already have a good group of guys that are coming and I’d love to have you there. Would you be interested? If so, I’d love to hear from you. Like I said, there is room for 15 more guys until we are full.
Here is a tentative schedule for the day:
Tuesday, January 21
8:30 – Continental Breakfast (Provided at SHBC, by SHBC)
9:00 – Idea Presentation #1 – Breaking Growth Barriers (Pastor A)
9:15 – Idea Discussion
10:00 – Idea Presentation #2 – Recruiting Volunteers (Pastor B)
10:15 – Idea Discussion
11:00 – Idea Presentation #3 – Assimilation & Retention (Pastor C)
11:15 – Idea Discussion
12:00 – Lunch (Provided at SHBC, by SHBC)
1:00 – Idea Presentation #4 – Small Groups (Pastor D)
1:15 – Idea Discussion
2:00 – Idea Presentation #5 – Increasing your Finances (Pastor E)
2:15 – Idea Discussion
3:00 – Idea Presentation #6 – Hiring Staff (Pastor F)
3:15 – Idea Discussion
4:00 – Idea Presentation #7 – Building Leaders (Pastor G)
4:15 – Idea Discussion
5:00 – Dinner (On Your Own)
We have scheduled this event on a tuesday because we believe that will give you enough time to get out to Las Vegas and back in time for your mid-week meeting.
I would encourage you to bring a staff member or two. I have learned in my short time here that the most creative ideas come from my pastoral team and not from me. Since we are not really discussing philosophical and controversial ideas and focusing solely on practical ministry, I thought it would behove us to include some staff. So, come alone or bring whomever you’d like.
There is no cost to this event at all. However, if you’d like to buy me a coffee sometime I’m not going to scream.
If it works out for you to come, great! If this isn’t really your thing, that’s fine too. I’m just glad to be your friend and in this “Serving Jesus” thing together!
To register fro this event, contact me personally at pastor@shbaptist.com
No Comments
Jim Ghanayem
December 6, 2013 at 12:27 pmGreat idea! Wish I could attend, but the distance would be an issue.
Joshua Teis
December 6, 2013 at 1:07 pmWish you could be here for it Jim. Maybe next year!
Brian McLaughlin
December 6, 2013 at 12:34 pmLooking forward to it.
Brian McLaughlin
December 6, 2013 at 12:38 pmPlane tickets bought and room reserved. Looking forward to this great workshop day. Looking forward to the fellowship.
Joshua Teis
December 6, 2013 at 1:08 pmSo glad to know that you are coming Brian.
Bob Morrissey
December 6, 2013 at 1:13 pmI can’t wait to attend this event. Pastor Josh Teis and Southern Hills have been a huge encouragement to me. We started our own church a couple of years ago and I am greatly looking forward to this exciting event.
Joshua Teis
December 6, 2013 at 1:23 pmWe can’t wait to see you there Bob. It’s going to be EPIC
Isaac Morin
December 6, 2013 at 1:29 pmLooking forward to being a part of this awesome time of collaboration.
Joshua Teis
December 6, 2013 at 1:47 pmGlad you are coming Isaac. I think this will be really fun and rewarding
Ryan Hayden
December 6, 2013 at 4:12 pmCan I steal this and do one in my area? It sounds like a great idea.
Either way, are you streaming?
Joshua Teis
December 6, 2013 at 7:22 pmAbsolutely Ryan! However, I’d love for you to come out for this if you’re able. Bring Amanda and make a mini trip out if it. Love to have your voice in the mix.
Jonathan Blankenship
December 6, 2013 at 6:47 pmIron sharpeneth iron. Looking forward to gathering with friends on Idea Day to grow and encourage one another.
Joshua Teis
December 6, 2013 at 7:19 pmCan’t wait to have you there buddy
Aaron Carpenter
December 10, 2013 at 9:21 amWish I could just come and listen! Here are a couple of ideas for your “idea day:”
1. Skype the whole thing (GoToMeeting?)
2. Record the presentations and release them as MP3s
3. Have someone Live Blog or Live Tweet the salient points
4. Publish an ebook summary of the presentations / discussions and title it “Brainstorming 2014”
Of course, that would involve a whole lot more work for someone, but they’re just ideas, right?
Joshua Teis
December 10, 2013 at 3:03 pmAaron, You really should come. I would love to have everyone hear from your perspective.
Your ideas for the day are great. We’ve thought about doing this but will probably not do so this year for a few reasons:
1. This year is really just a “try it” year. We hope to get the kinks worked out this year so that next year it will run very smoothly.
2. A closed session allows for a greater atmosphere of free-flowing ideas without the fear of reprisals. By design we are creating an environment where people can just share ideas without feeling as if they will be classified in any derogatory ways. Some ideas are great! Some ideas are dumb. Knowing that your idea (potentially great, potentially dumb, potentially controversial) will be broadcast to those outside the room may inhibit free expression.
Next year, once we have worked out the bugs and everyone knows what to expect we will consider streaming & recording.
Again, I really wish you could make it out. A lot of people are unaware of your intelligent voice and I’d like you to get to know some of my friends our west.
John Knop
December 26, 2013 at 10:00 pmIt has always fascinated me how the object of Christians’ praise in the sanctuary seems be forgotten when it comes to the mission field. (In my mind, emulation is the highest form of adoration.)
I don’t strive to be so pretentious to think that I have ministry better figured out than the Master. Should we not respect His work on the cross as well as His methodologies and metrics .. at least more than our rationale of the such.
If you are trying to brainstorm for ideas of ministry methodology, I think a better question would be: “How might my ministry look more like Jesus’?”; rather than to primarily rely on secular business concepts and novelties
Joshua Teis
January 15, 2014 at 10:00 amThank John – You make a tremendous point. Our primary thought going into this day ought be… How could we make our ministry more like Jesus and His ministry.
Great thought. I surely appreciate it.
IDEA DAY 2015 | Josh Teis | Lead Pastor Southern Hills Baptist Church
April 10, 2014 at 12:43 pm[…] When is Idea Day? January 20th, 2015. It is an all day event that begins with a continental breakfast, includes a catered lunch, and dismisses at dinner time. For a sample schedule, see: Idea Day 2014 Schedule […]