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  • America Leadership

    The Hope for a Messiah

    Today many are disappointed. Today many are overjoyed. Today the election is over. We have either placed all of our hope in our re-elected president or our hopes have been dashed…

  • Leadership Preaching

    The Temptation to Preach Religion

    I never get over how strong the temptation is to preach religion instead of preaching that which I am commissioned to preach, Christ! I Corinthians 1:23, II Corinthians 4:5, Colossians 1:28…

  • Leadership

    The Essential Planning – Part 4

    Watching my father, Dr. David Teis, plan the church calendar every year while growing up was the inspiration I needed to become a planner.  His dedication to his church continues to…

  • Leadership

    The Essential Planning – Part 3

    I hate to admit weakness!  In fact I’d just like to assume that if I had any weaknesses I overcame them years ago.  Moreover, I’d like you to assume that I…

  • Leadership

    The Essential Planning – Part 2

    Being on a church staff can be one of the most exciting things or one of the most frustrating things in the world.  Although there are many factors that go into…

  • Leadership

    The Essential Planning – Part 1

    I’ve got to be real with you!  Among my favorite things in life, I would include sitting in front of the television with a bucket of popcorn in my lap while…