Christian Living Featured

Friendships That Eliminate Stress


“Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” Proverbs 27:17

To live a stress free life would be nothing short of just plain awesome. This summer we went to Hawaii! The beaches were beautiful, and you feel as if the world stops when you are basking in the sun doing nothing, but soaking in Gods glorious creation. It’s so peaceful, and who doesn’t desire peace?

Sometimes though, stress is not always caused by something, but someone. Have you evaluated your friendships? This can be a hard task, because we want to be liked, and we don’t want to create a problem. You must discern if they are causing you unnecessary stress. Are they helping or hindering?

Today, we are going to talk about two ways that friendships can eliminate stress. First of all, do they encourage you to seek God? Many times when I have been struggling with something in my life, I have had friends that have helped redirect my eyes back to the scriptures and what God says about my situation. Friendships that eliminate stress will always bring you back to God’s Word. Secondly, they are positive. A friendship that is constantly upbeat and full of the joy of the Lord is someone I desire in my life. Positive words of encouragement go a long way. I have a friend who will text me now and then an encouraging quote or article. This is what the Bible calls iron sharpening iron.  My husband, who is my dearest friend, is very positive. He always sees the glass half full, if not more! These are the types of people we need to surround ourselves with. What are your friends like? I hope they eliminate stress and add peace to your life. If they don’t, decide today to purposely find friendships that sharpen your walk with God.

Who are your godly friends? How I can be a godly friend to someone today?

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